Pregnancy Week by Week


New Member
Her temp is staying in the 98 range it was 98.9 then went to 98.6 her normal temp is 100.3 to 100.5. Hopefully puppies will be born before nightfall.


New Member
Just called the vets letting them know what's happening they said it sounds like she's really close just watch her and try not to bother her too much let her do her own thing. And not to worry about her temp. anymore once it drops she's in labor that's the whole reason for checking her temp. is to know about the pending labor.


New Member
She is definitely waiting until nightfall she keeps pacing and is very restless. I am so ready for her to have these puppies I would have thought she would be even more ready to have these puppies but I guess not. I'll keep watching her hoping she'll start pushing anytime now;)


New Member
Well no puppies yet because well she's a dachshund she's stubborn. Her temp. is down hardly any puppy movement maybe tonight will be the night. Her other litters I never went through this but also to I was working and she was home so when I was finally saw her in labor digging and panting she started pushing 30 mins later so I never had to go through the first stage with her. But now I work at home so I notice everything that's happening.


New Member
Starting to think she is going to go to her due date which is in 3 days if she goes earlier great if not oh well. These puppies are going to be worth the wait. I waited 60 days so far what's 3 more days. She has never went past her due date so puppies will probably be here in 3 days.


New Member
Her temp. Today was in the 98s all day and she has been acting strangely. I took her temp just now and it shot back up to 100.4 puppies should be here soon


New Member
Either Starr's in labor or somethings wroung I was able to cook dinner without her coming in kitchen begging for food


New Member
She is eating now but with her you never know her first delivery she ate fries right before delivering she was in the middle of labor and was begging for fries after she ate her fries 5 minutes later she was panting and nesting 30 minutes later first puppy was out. She always manages to surprise everyone :)


New Member
Looks like we might have mother's day puppies I hate that I didn't know the day she first tied. I thought her first tie was on Sunday but come to find out it was Monday which makes today her due date