New profile posts

Hi, I am new here and have recently rescued an adult miniature long hair doxie and need some advice

I have recently created an account. I accidentally misunderstood the birth date and typed my dogs age. she is only 6 weeks old. Now, I am being asked to submit all the guardian information in order to get permission to participate in forums and view pictures.

My age is 8/24/83. Can you please help out with this?
Hi, I noticed your thread about Walter's hair loss. You also mentioned you were from Calgary. I was wondering where you got him from, since Lacy's dad is from Long on Loving Dachshunds (Giselle Blair) and she has always had sparse hair on her ears and belly.
Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely start following you guys! :) I also found you on instagram. :)
Hello, I foud a translation button to my blog so if you want to follow my swedish boys you can go to: echosierra
Hello! I now have a translation button on my blog so if you want to follow my swedish boys you can go to: echosierra.
hello! I now have a translation button om my blog so if you want to follow my boys you can go to: echosierra
Hello, I now have a translation button on my blog so if you want to follow my boys you are welcome :) echosierra
Hi! Is Oscar having a back issue? Please go to dodgerslist, it's a website to help families dealing with spinal cord injuries in their doxies. Post some news on the forum when you can, kay?
How sad and sweet. I have a 13 year old doxie(Chester) and I'll be a sad soul when I lose him. I try not to think about it because right now he's in good health. I think doxies are long lived so I'm hoping I have some more good time with him. I love him to pieces. Do you plan to get another dog?
Hi there. I saw your post in chat. Hard to tell what your doxie is mixed with without a photo. Hope you'll post some soon. Welcome!
If you get this explain to some of the others that I'm so sorry to have been a pest, when I said I was new to this site I also meant that I was new to the whole thing when it came to how to reply to someone asking me questions about what I needed in the way of potty training! My son got me a kindle fire I think that's what it's called. I know I can see it better and it's smaller than my lap top! (Which I know nothing about either)! Then he thought I needed an inside dog, which is another story ,I will tell you I have never loved a dog as I do my big boy little Joe! Let me rephrase that until I decided that little Joe and I needed a new puppy in our lives, he needed to have a little sister to play with! That's when my neighbor showed me her baby dachshund! I knew I had found the perfect puppy for us ! I'm still in need of training if anyone can help! Judy
Hey wanted to say thanks for your and others comments on potty training my five month old(miss Charles) I'm afraid that I had to turn her over to my son and grandsons not to leave out my_daughter-inlaw for a couple of weeks! I had to stay at the hospital (nothing related to my potty training) ha, I have been hearing about something called the inside toilet for puppies or older dogs. I would really like to hear more on this if anyone knows what I'm talking about!
Hi sorry I haven't been on here in awhile with showing and raising puppies I have been super busy are you still looking for a puppy?