She's here!!!!


New Member
Finally got to bring home the beautiful little girl. Still nameless. I keep going back to Moon's Calla Lily - Call name : Lily or Callie.. But, then I stray away from it.. Sooo.. Still clueless. I had a long chat with the breeder about showing, and she is affiliated with a club and asked me to come out and watch a show, so I'm going to take her up on the offer, in the mean time, I have quite a bit of training to get done. She's actually excited that I am interested in this. I'm so excited to see where this will take us!

She's sooo shy! She's slowly coming out of her shell. Much different than the last we got from this breeder. Goes to show each puppy is different. I got home and took a nap, she crawls right up next to you and goes straight to sleep, I love me a cuddle bug.

Shockingly, Peanut, our household diva (to say the least) is actually loving her. I figured that would take at least a week or so to overcome, she's the top dog around here, doesn't like strangers, doesn't like puppies/dogs.. So we are still shocked. Nemo, on the other hand, loves all dogs, and he absolutely loves the puppy. That was expected.

Here's my babies!!

Peanut is Exhausted! So much playing!!

I had some more cute ones, but Photobucket stopped working for some reason. I'll get 'em up soon!


New Member
Oh. My. GOODNESS!! You so need a cuteness alert in the subject line! What a little doll baby in all her puppy splendor. So glad the interloper has met with approval. Sending loves to Nemo and Peanut too.

I am very much looking forward to more puppy pics and updates!! Don't be shy now. lol


New Member
OH MAH GAWWWD she is way too cute!!!!! I miss Watson being all small and fluffy like that. Oh, and puppy breath. I miss puppy breath. They get big and it turns into nasty dog breath, lol. And she looks so much like puppy-Watson it's almost uncanny.

More pictures!! :D


New Member
SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks exactly like our first doxie when he was a puppy. Fluffy, red and adorable!!


They are all adorable! I'm jealous! lol

I love raising pups together, they are so much fun to watch. You really get to see their individual characters and I love the way they gang up to cause trouble!

Can't wait to get my next one............


New Member
I'm just so in love already. I don't think she could fit in better if she had to. They all get along so well, and like I said, Peanut enjoying her is something to be proud of. Y'know, the ONLY thing I worry about having three around the same age, is that they'll all be old at the same, all die around the same time.. Which will be very hard to deal with, but I enjoy seeing them all at the (approximate) same stages. Peanut and Nemo 2 months apart, and this one is 6 months apart from Nemo, 8 months from Peanut.

I finally got out of the "puppy" stage, in reference to potty training, and chewing on things.. Now I'm going right back into it. Luckily I have a lot of patience, and a lot of time being a stay at home mom. I feel like I've got the best of all worlds right now. :)

Training starts today. There will be sooo many updates and pictures to come of all three little babies. :)