Proud Mama!!! Also, breath treat recipe?


New Member
It seems that Dr. Watson has FINALLY mastered the idea of scratching the door or otherwise getting our attention when he needs to go potty!!! It's been kind of hit or miss lately, but it seems like he's really got it down now. I was so excited and had to share!!

Also, does anyone have any doxie-approved recipes for some breath treats? Watson has the worst kibble breath ever. I've gotten some store-bought treats before, but they're a bit out of our range right now (SO and I have both been unemployed lately. Finally got new jobs, but of course it'll be a few weeks to get a paycheck.) So I wanted to try a homemade recipe. Plus, of course, that way I know exactly what is going into my baby's tummy!


New Member
Oh goodness the breath! Boy do I know what you are talking about with that! I wish I knew recipes, it would be good to know what I could try. I did find one on a website don't know how good it is but it's worth checking out! How to Make Fresh Breath Dog Treats |

Although you mentioned store bought treats are out of the question...when you get the paychecks...check out greenies.They've done pretty good in the past for Baby.
Btw, congrats on the new jobs :)


New Member
Thank you! We've used the pedigree brand (I think) before...they were green and X shaped. They worked pretty well, too.