Peeing everywhere including on my bed...please help!!


New Member
I have a 1 1/2yr old miniature dachsund that refuses to go to the bathroom outside. I started crate training her from day 1 when she was 8 weeks old. She peed and pooped in the crate so I had to stop.

I have done everything the vet told me to do including crate training, putting her in a kiddie corral, and taking her out after after meal or 2hrs. She peed and pooped all over the carpet while in the corral and then learned how to jump out.When I take her out to the backyard she won't leave my side the entire time, no matter how long I try.

She is getting worse by the day. I can't let her on my bed anymore because she keeps peeing on it. Yesterday she stepped onto my bath mat as I was watching and simply peed while staring at me. I of course immediately grabbed her and told her no in a very stern voice and put her outside.

I am simply at a loss for what to do and am desperate. My carpets are ruined to the point of not even being salvageable.

I am very against getting rid of pets, but honestly at this point I am having trouble even liking her which kills me. Please help.

To me it seems like she doesnt feel safe outside? How often and where do you take here outside for walks, runs, and playtime?

I think she needs to feel safe where she is about to pee or poop. Go to the same spot every time (if you havent allready tried that). A place where she is not disturbed by anything. Is she always on watch what happens around? Make time so she can explore her outside world. When not all sounds and movements are new to her she may calm down?

Good luck and I can imagine your frustration!
She won't pee or poo on walks, though she loves them. She loves being in my backyard and will bask in the sun for hours if I allow. She just won't go to the bathroom:(
How much exercise does she get? Is she over-/understimulated?
How long do you stay outside with her?
Has she never peed outside?

I would make one more tripp to the vet if nothing else works, maybe she has got something wrong?

Its not normal, she should be hosebroken by now. Is she home for long sessions alone? She may protest to something, is she in crate for long period of times?

I hope you find the problem.

If its good weather I would stay outside ALL day, I mean for so long she HAS to make outside... prais prais prais when she goes.
Don't give up. There is hope! You just need to be consistent with her potty training. Always take her out to the same spot and praise when she goes potty. Remember that poo is on a timer. If you are strict with her eating and drinking you can pretty much bank on when she will poo and/or pee.

Hershel poo's every morning at 7:30am. Within less then 4 mins of being outside he'll go. Ill bring him in. Give him water and food. Then ill let him hang out for an hour while I get dressed. Right before leaving I take him outside to the pee spot and say "potty" he typically goes. If he doesn't i stand there and wait. Once he goes I bring him inside. Clean him up. Then it's lots of love and kisses right before going into the crate.

I come home for lunch at 1pm - 1:30pm. Without a doubt he has to pee. So I take him out. I walk him a bit, sometimes he'll poo if I walk him a bit. If I see he isn't ready I bring him in and feed him. Play for 10mins and then it's back outside. Take him to the poo/pee spots and wait. He will go, just gotta be patient and not around any distractions. Once done. Lots of love and kisses; back into the cage

Home at 5pm. This one is a little tricky because he sometimes will go poo between 7-9pm. He is ready to pee though so I take him out right away. Once he pees its inside for dinner. Then lots of playtime and water. I take him out again in an hour. See if he poo's, if not back inside and ill let him play and/or lay on me. He can have water up till 8pm if we play for hard, but I'm always conscious of how much he has drank. So ill typically walk him every 1hr or hour and a half. He'll be ready to poo no later then 9pm. 10pm is the last walk for pee and then it's bed time

Wow! I was only going to write down just a bit of info, instead I wrote the schedule lol. While outside look at her. Try to pick up on the subtle movements she makes before she poo' or pee. Remember they are low to the ground and they could have pee'd and you didn't notice. Poo, at least for Hershel, he either walks (paces) or runs back and for in the same spot before he lowers his butt. Sometimes even giving off a small whimper. Best of luck and stay consistent.

FYI: Hershel is 5 months old and I've been doing this routine everyday since he was 3 months. We also live in a 2 bedroom, 1st apt with no backyard and just a little bit of grass around the walkways in NJ.

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When did the problems start? Have you ruled out health issues? How long has this been happening? Have their been any changes in diet/routine that could have triggered this?

How big is your crate? Did you get this dog from a pet store? I ask because dogs don't usually like to pee and poop in crates unless they were forced to and grew accustomed to it. Is it possible that she just has too much room in the crate? Will she still pee/poop in there if she only has room to lay down and turn around?

Honestly, I know others were against it, but if it were me I would seriously consider litter box training. Especially since your only other alternative is rehoming. I had a friend whose's chihuahua used a litter box. It really wasn't that bad. Cat pee/poop smells WAY worse than that of a dog.
When you take her out, use a command, like Go Pee. Leash her and stand in one spot. If she doesn't pee, bring her in and kennel her. Wait half an hour (or as you wish depending) take her outside again on leash and say Go Pee. When she pees, Yay! and treat, and give her some play time, and loose time in the house. Have you been utilizing the kennel in this way?

My Engli was paper trained and an adult when we brought her home and we had paper down but she peed on blankets on the couch and stuff for months. What worked for me was that she was very play motivated, so I kept her in the kitchen with me and the papers. Go pee go pee go pee... When she finally went on the papers, Yay!! Did you go PEE??? and I opened the gate and we played ball. Now that got her attention and she straightened out pretty quick after that. At some point we would go back to the kitchen with the gate up and she figured out peeing on the paper got the gate down. When Beau came we were doing this and he figured it out quickly. The gate was hardly up at all.