Need help with aggressive 2 yr old dachshund


New Member
We rescued a 2 yr old male dachshund a few months ago. He is the sweetest most loving dog that I have ever had, but over the past few weeks he has gotten really aggressive at times. If he is in my lap and my wife comes up behind me he will get really upset, to the point of biting. He has bitten a few times. He has not been nurtured. Will if make a big difference in the aggressive behavior after he is nurtured? The thought of giving him up is heartbreaking, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
When he does this we do our best to talk him down. If he is in my lap when he's acting like that I can put my face on his, kiss him, but if I try to make him get down he will snap at me. We have never hit him. Someone suggested a water bottle, but that's difficult with him in my lap.


New Member
Have you taken him to the vet yet? I would have him checked because he might have health issues that cause agressive behavior.

Also, if you start sweet talking to him when he's acting out, you're rewarding his behaviour. I would lift him down and ignore him until he's normal again. And do it every time he's trying to bite you. You have to be consistent with it, so that he understands what kind of behaviour is good and what is not. And of course praise him when he's doing well. :)

You've only had him for few months, so you're still getting to know each other. :)


New Member
I will share with you what my mother-in-law used to do with her dogs. I'm not saying that you are doing this because I don't know, I'm not there.

She had a chihuahua that she adopted as a senior. When he would be on her lap and someone came over, he would bark at the person, and she went Now now, and stroked him. Her reasoning was that she was calming him down. What the dog thought was that she *wanted* him to bark at the person. So she did more stroking and talking softly. It's very hard to have a conversation with a dog barking so at one point I just gave him a look and very firmly said Stop it. He gave me a look, and stopped. My m-i-l quickly went to stroking him again and he took his cue and went barking his head off.

She did not understand that she was reinforcing the barking and soon you could be sure he would bite if anyone got close. I think he may have bitten some family members that mistakenly leaned over to give her a kiss or hug.

If there is a behavior you don't like, say a firm NO and put him on the floor. The lap is a privilege to earn and he's guarding his person and spot. On the floor quick at the first moment. Try practicing with your wife coming up beside you so that you are ready to act the split second he gives an indication he's going to 'get upset'.

When it's time to feed him, both of you should have turns feeding him and making him go into a sit before he gets fed. Going out for a walk, he should wait in the doorway and let the person go through first, because top dog goes through a narrow opening first. Practice a sit and calmness with the door open before heading out. Reward calmness when you have the opportunity.

I hope these are things you can try and will help you. Keep us posted.


New Member
Another possibility is that he feels threatened by someone looming over him (possibly startling him) while he's contained on your lap. Some dogs get defensive when they feel they don't have freedom of movement. You could condition him to feel positively about people approaching while he's in your lap by practicing having your husband approach with food or treats. This could take quite a few repetitions.
The other option, as suggested, is simply to set him down when he barks, or avoid having him in your lap to begin with.