Maybe some help......?

I don't know if you are near a Petsmart, but I put Reggie on one of their wellness programs. $25 a month with unlimited doctor visits, shots, bloodwork and a few other things. I pay for meds and when I took him a few weeks ago I had to pay for the biopsy. But it was $100 instead of the $400 it could have been. I also like that they are open on Saturday and Sunday.

That plan is awesome. I have our Aly on that plan and it has saved so much money! We also just got her spayed. It has been a lifesaver, if anyone gets a puppy I think it is a must! :)
That plan is awesome. I have our Aly on that plan and it has saved so much money! We also just got her spayed. It has been a lifesaver, if anyone gets a puppy I think it is a must! :)

My friend is wanting a puppy and after looking over the material she will also put her new baby on one of the plans. The vet there is awesome and the techs are really good also :eek: I'm going to have Reggie's teeth cleaned after the holidays and the plan covers that as well! You are right, it has been a lifesaver and I recommend the plan(s) to my friends!
Sounds like kennel cough. Puppies under 16 weeks of age are highly susceptible to anything because their little immune systems are starting to kick into gear after being weaned from Mama and all the maternal antibodies she provides through nursing them. That's why most vets, trainers and even some breeders will tell you not to expose them to other dogs where you don't know the dog or the dog's vaccination history before 16 weeks of age. The potential for them catching something is far too high - and too heartbreaking depending on what they catch.

Kennel Cough can be either bacterial or viral depending on the strain, that's why you see 2 different types of vaccines for it. One being Parainfluenza and the other being Bordatella.

I hope your vet can work something out with you - Good luck!
Me to thank you!

I know since I adopted him, It's been a struggle. When I got him, I was told he was 6 weeks.

I took him to the vet a few days later because he had worms. Found out then he was only 4 weeks, far to young to be away from mama! To say the least I was highly upset on that. But I got help from the vet, getting puppy milk, and puppy wet food.
About the time he was 6 maybe 7 weeks. He some symptoms that made me think it was parvo, I was really worried since I had a pup die from that. So I took him to the vet. But it turn out to be just bug or something. Nothing serious. Other than that, the vet said he was doing just fine, and to bring him in for shots in a few weeks. Of course now i got to wait for those now.

He isnt around any dogs at the moment. The only animals he is around is our 3 cats.