Hi everyone !!

Itoy and Suerti

New Member
Hi! I wrote an introduction a few weeks ago under Itoy's mummy... but i cant remember the password etc.

Anyway - I was looking too add a dachshund to my family... and guess what... We now have a wonderful 3 year old lhasa apso (named itoy - pronounced e-toy) and an 8 month old Dachshund x Maltese named Suerti (Pronounced Swerty)

He isnt a purebred, and I dont condone pet shops or backyard breeding, he was put up for rescue and I fell in love with him. He is cuddly, playful, wonderful.

He is not desexed yet - but are booking him in for 2 weeks time

Nice to meet you all - and cant wait to be apart of this community!

Thanks, Karrine
Welcome!! We can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful family. Sometimes, it's just 'love at first sight' and rescue is always a good thing.