What colors can you breed to a black and tan dapple?more info
You Can Find Them in These Colors:
Red ~ Black ~ Chocolate ~ Cream ~ Isabella ~ Blue
with or without tan points
From a very pale strawberry blond, to a deep mahogany red, with or without black shading.
Black & Tan, Black & Cream,
and Solid black
Chocolate & Tan, Chocolate & Cream,
and Solid Chocolate
(brindle doesn't show well in Chocolates)
This is a recessive color, it must be showing or carried in both parents to be produced (black/tan that carries chocolate, bred to a
chocolate or another blk/tan that carries chocolate could have cho/tan and/or blk/tan pups)
But breeds dominant to 2 chocolate & tans (you would get all cho/tan pups). Chlt can't carry black and tan, but blk/tan can carry
Cream, called Wheaten in wires.
With or without black shading.
(This is a Dilute color of Red)
Isabella (also called Fawn) & Tan, Isabella & Cream
solid Isabella.
(this is a Dilute color of Chocolate)
This is a recessive color, it must be showing or carried in both parents to be produced.
Blue & Tan and Blue & Cream
and Solid Blue
(This is a Dilute color of Black and Tan)
This is a recessive color, it must be showing or carried in both parents to be produced.
In any of these Patterns:
Dapple ~ Brindle ~ Piebald ~ Sable(smooth & longcoat)/Wildboar(wirehair)
One parent MUST be dapple to have dapple pups, as it is a dominate gene.
A dapple dog (called Merle in other breeds like a collie) is spotted and mottled in appearance. For instance, a black and tan dapple will have area's of silver hair, this is due to the dapple gene diluting the black color ~stripping it of it's pigment as a way of describing it. This dappling effect can be in any of the color, the tan points, over all the body, in the eyes creating blue eyes or blue spots in the eye. This is a basic description. When you see the reference of Reverse dapple, it is used to describe that there is a heavier pattern of the lighter dappling on a dogs body than the darker self, say black to stick with our earlier example, and would appear more silver all over rather the splotches of silver interspersed in the black. It doesn't mean it is a different pattern of dapple. There can be other patterns mixed in there also, you can have a dog who is dapple/brindle/piebald. You cannot register a dog with multiple patterns with AKC, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there. They can be very lovely interesting dogs, and would still be good pets, but would be unable to be shown in a ring, and are not recognized by any dachshund organizations.
Dapple cannot be carried, but it can be hidden. You may have a dog that appears solid that had a small dapple spot at birth and is unseen later on. This is how many double dapples are produced unknowingly by breeders. Not all pups in a litter will be dapple, but can be (though the odds are against it). Only one parent has to carry the gene. But if you were to take a solid puppy from a dapple breeding that puppy would never produce a dapple, unless it was bred to another dapple.
Double Dapple
Breeding 2 dapple dogs together will produce double dapples. This can be a lethal combination, the double gene can land in
the eyes causing blindness, in the ear causing deafness, some pups can be born without eyes or other malformations. Some are born perfectly healthy and beautiful. Double dapples' may have blue eyes, partially blue eyes, or a blue eye and a brown eye, and are called "Wall" coloring. They may have white blazes on their heads, white tail tips, and extensive white on their feet,
bellies, and sides. DORG has a nice bit of information about it. A double dapple bred to a solid dog, will have all dapple pups
(not double dapple pups). This pattern is not acceptable for show. See below in the piebald paragraph for The Dachshund
Color Crisis.
The Piebald gene is recessive, and can be carried for generations. Piebalds look very similar to a beagle, with
the large spots of color on a white background and may have ticking (smalls spots from just a few to thickly scattered all over).
Not all piebalds have ticking. It can be carried, but to produce a true piebald and not a dog that *carries for piebald* both
parents must be piebalds, or at least both carry it. They can be all white with just a small patch of color on the head or
elsewhere on the body, or have a *tuxedo* effect of a large white area on the chest also. All piebalds will have a white tipped
tail, and toes, and should not have blue eyes.
They can have blue eyes if they are dapple/pie. All the patterns can be found on a piebald, although it too cannot be registered
with all the patterns. At this time, the DCA (Dachshund Club of America) no longer allows piebalds in the show ring. AKC
follows the rules set by the DCA. Many piebald fanciers are very unhappy with this decision, and are attempting to have them re-instated. I wish them the best of luck in this endeavor, as piebalds are just as beautiful as any other color and pattern.
The brindle pattern is a dominate gene, one parent has to carry the gene to produce brindle pups. The brindle appears as stripes like seen on a tiger or zebra, and can be seen scattered all over the body. In a dark color like
chocolate or black, the pattern might only be seen in the tan points as the darker color will hide it.
Sable ~ Long coats
Wild Boar ~ Smooth and Wire coats
Sable is a dominate gene, one parent must be sable to produce sable pups.
Sable/Wildboars appear to look like a black and tan at first glance. All body hairs, except on the face and feet, are banded with two colors, the self color occurs closest to the dog's body while the darker color occurs near the hair tip. The face and feet are usually just the dog's self color. The most common (and sables are not that common) are red sables, the undercoat is red with black tipped hair so they appear as a black and tan. I have heard they can come in any color since it is a pattern.