Beach Day


New Member
Took Nola to the beach a few days ago to go for a run and work on some training. Sit, down, sit/stay, down/stay come, up, off, touch, spin, leave it, wave, high five, paw and side (basically a heel on my right side). At distances, on funny surfaces (water, sand, rock), high distractions, off leash.:D:D:D She is so incredibly smart and driven to work for me.

I was incredibly proud when we passed a jogger and Nola ignored him! Nola has a very high chase drive, and used to go bonkers around joggers. But with lots of training, she stayed by my side, focused and ignoring the jogger. YAY!
I love this dog. She's incredible.



New Member
Great pictures :) Looks like she had fun!
Thats amazing all the work you've done with her :)

Jax is stubborn when it comes to training lol But he's finally getting sit/down. Yay! Now just gotta work on stay, :p


New Member
Oh my god! BEACH? We have 2 meter snow!

Love those pics. Alf has the same harness in orange :)


And you're an incredible trainer, Amanda!! Wonderful pictures - and what a great job training Nola..