Washing dog blankets


New Member
I was wondering what folks use that they like, for doing dog blankets. I know some blankets here have taken some nasty hits with vomit or concentrated urine, and it's frightful. :p

I use Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor remover spray (it's for pet clean ups) first on anything nasty, sit a while and rinse out.

I found that Oxi-Clean powder is a must as a laundry soap boaster.
I've really been liking the Arm & Hammer plus Oxi-Clean.

It was a while before I found the right combo so that one item didn't make the whole load yucky.

Aly's Mom

New Member
We have a few blankets that are only for Aly, and when she has a mistake on them they go in their own load with some Tide and bleach. Little bit more water being used than we would like, but didn't want to wash them with any of our other items.
As far as cleaning the carpets in case of an accident, we use Simple Solution Extreme Stain and odor remover. Our doberman had some stomach issues once and had a mistake in the house, we used some Oxiclean powder mixed with some warm water and it worked wonderfully.