Crate training


New Member
I am looking for some tips with Crate training. We brought out mini home at 8 weeks, that was a week ago and he freaks out the entire time in his crate. The longest he is left in his crate is 3 to 3.5 hours when we are at work and we have people let him out. His Yelping can be heard from outside. This behavior worries me, it seems like he is yelping when he needs to eliminate but I am not sure if he yelps the entire time we are gone. He has only peed in his crate 2 times and never pooped but some of the times when we get him out he had a very large and soft stool.

Reading on the forums the soft stool may be due to over feeding? We are feeding him a 1/4 cup in the morning and a little more than a 1/4 cup in the evening. We give him a little more than an hour to play and exercise/potty before we go to work in the morning.

How long will this separation anxiety last. I even try to put him in his crate for 5 minutes while we are home and he yelps the entire time. I would love any tips I could try! Thanks!!

Here is the little guy!


At 8 weeks old your puppy needs 3 - 4 meals a day. He is a baby and like any baby they need to be fed small amounts regularly and often.

I don't use a crate for my dogs but 3 - 3 1/2 hours is a long time to leave an 8 week old puppy in a crate. Is the crate large enough for him to get off his bed to relieve himself because this is too long for the puppy to go without needing to go out, also does he have access to water in his crate?

At eight weeks your puppy will be missing the warmth and comfort of his brothers and sisters, they should be left for very short periods to begin with and then you can gradually increase the time as they get a bit older.


New Member
thanks for the reply. Everywhere is different when you ask! Some tips say only feed 2 or 3 times, others say 4 times. The crate is large enough for him to relieve himself in the crate away from where he sleeps yet he still won't poop in there, he only pees. Unfortunately it is impossible for use to get him out of the crate that often during the day. He is completely fine once we are home and get him out of the crate.


New Member
He's probably not getting overfed. Small breed puppies usually eat around 3/4 to 1 cup of food per day. Alaska turns 12 weeks tomorrow and is fed 1/3 cup of food three times a day. She doesn't always finish her lunch though, which is fine. After 6 months of age, they'll start to eat less. Make sure you're feeding a diet specifically for puppies.

There's a great possibility he stops crying once you leave. Alaska cries like crazy when I put her in her crate to go to class, and my roommates say she stops crying almost instantly after I leave the dorm room (so she only cries for the two minutes it takes for me to grab my things and get out the door). She's usually alone up to four hours at a time, but my roommates are thoughtful enough to make sure she gets out to potty and play for a bit while I'm gone.


New Member
Piper had a hard time in her crate at first too. Especially at night we had to sleep down on the floor with her and we didn't get much sleep. But now at 4 months she knows when it is time for bed and she crawls in and goes to sleep she gets up at about 7 and we let her out. She will cry at first when she goes into the crate during the day when we leave, but once she doesn't hear us anymore she stops. Something you can do is make the room dark put a towel or blanket over the crate to block out what is going on, and put some soft music on or turn the TV on. Back ground noise and making the room dark and den like seems to help calm them down. Whatever you do stay consistent with it he will get better it just takes time. =]


New Member
Thanks for the replies. He has been getting better. We have been putting a blanket over the crate to block out some light and we have a radio on for him. We also got a Kong for him to play with some and keep him occupied while he is in there. I think he gets confused when we don't put him in there much at all during the weekend then Monday comes and in her goes. We are going to try to put him in his crate for periods of time during the weekend too to keep it more consistent


New Member
He is simply to young to be left alone. In sweden we have a law that says that dogs younger than four month cant be left alone for more than a few minutes! Thats how long their mind can handle. He will be crying out of panic like a baby left alone. Yes, after some while they will stop as they get depressed. Its a word for this - experienced Helplessness.

The dog gives up as they cant affect their environment or situation, they get passive, quiet and becomes indifferent to their life. They stop hoping for, believing in and stop waiting for - juste give up. Its a serious condition.

I wouldt leave a puppy alone that long. Can you leave him at someone to look after him while you work? Can you take him to work? Do you know anyone that can walk him while you are at work?

We have a pensioned couple that takes care of our dogs while we are at work! They love the company at daytime and we dont have to worry about them.

Good luck.