Recent content by schierling

  1. S

    Piper is home!

    It's like having a new baby. Enjoy her she will be big before you know it.
  2. S

    Look what I found!! :D

    Too cute. I have never ever found the baby teeth. I know they have them, but my guys always managed to lose them in private.
  3. S

    My girl is 13.5...

    They are adorable.
  4. S

    DFW, TX Doxies?

    I am in Frisco and would love to meet some new dachshund friends. What part of DFW are you in.
  5. S

    Neutering after math! Need advice

    I had one little guy do what you describe and one that went off without a hitch. Dachshunds are finicky. Hang in there.
  6. S

    Member Interviews

    This looks like fun, love reading these things. What do you do for a living? - How long have you been owned by your Dachshund? We have had one or another dachshund in our house for almost 40 years. - What other pets do you have? None although when the kids were at home we have had...
  7. S

    Hello from Rome GA

    Our little guy who is 12, has had 2 back surgeries. I let the vet do a couple of days of steroids each time and if I didn't see an immediate change we sent him to the surgeon. When it comes to the back, the sooner they get the surgery the better the chance they have of recovering full...
  8. S

    Dachshund genetics

    Yes that's true, my little brown guy is actually listed a "chocolate and tan" on his papers. Cute none the less:)
  9. S

    Smelly Ears/Ear cleaning

    Does he have tiny little black particles, almost like dust in his ears. My vet told me that was yeast. I always look for that first.
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    Join the club, I don't think that anyone who gets a Dachshund can be any other way.
  11. S

    My first post

    So sorry for your loss. I really feel for your sadness. We have owned dogs and dachshunds for almost 40 years so I have had to let several dogs go in that time. Our very first was the hardest because our children were so attached to him. He was 14. Then we had a little poodle who had cancer...
  12. S

    Happy 'Paw'-ther's day!

    Dogs do the best job of pampering so our "daddy" had a good afternoon napping with fur all around him.
  13. S

    Keep your dog happy when you are at work

    I work from home now, but I have had to work in the past when we have had dogs. Our solution was to have multiple dogs which seemed to do the trick. My dogs bonded really well, and I often did come home at lunch and I rarely had to work late. We also are very early risers so our dogs always...
  14. S

    Smelly Ears/Ear cleaning

    My long haired guy gets that and it is yeast growing in his ears. It's all nice and warm under those little brown fuzzy ears. The solution is "the solution" in his ears once per week and it seems to keep it under control. I feel for you yeast can really smell bad.
  15. S

    Animal bones = scary!

    That is so scary, my guys love to wait around and see if I will throw chicken bones in the trash. When I do I take them straight to the garbage bin. Prying a bone away from a dachshund is a herculean task. One is lucky to leave with all five fingers. Glad it worked out ok for your guy.