Recent content by mstover13

  1. M

    Crate training

    Thanks for the replies. He has been getting better. We have been putting a blanket over the crate to block out some light and we have a radio on for him. We also got a Kong for him to play with some and keep him occupied while he is in there. I think he gets confused when we don't put him in...
  2. M

    Crate training

    thanks for the reply. Everywhere is different when you ask! Some tips say only feed 2 or 3 times, others say 4 times. The crate is large enough for him to relieve himself in the crate away from where he sleeps yet he still won't poop in there, he only pees. Unfortunately it is impossible for use...
  3. M

    Crate training

    I am looking for some tips with Crate training. We brought out mini home at 8 weeks, that was a week ago and he freaks out the entire time in his crate. The longest he is left in his crate is 3 to 3.5 hours when we are at work and we have people let him out. His Yelping can be heard from...