Recent content by mistqueen

  1. M

    Rescued a kennel raised 3 yr old need help

    FAQ's on the Rehabilitation of a Puppy Mill Dog I’m scared because I think my dog has serious problems. Occasionally, there is the survivor who has survived the mill, but at such a great cost that they can never be "brought around." These are the dogs that have endured so much suffering that...
  2. M

    Rescued a kennel raised 3 yr old need help

    My dog whines, cries, and destroys my items when I leave. What do I do? This is a common condition called :separation anxiety,: where the dog is dependent on the presence of the owner and becomes uncomfortable and sometimes even severely destructive when left alone. Keeping the dog in his...
  3. M

    Rescued a kennel raised 3 yr old need help

    How do I get my dog to trust me? A mill dog has no reason to trust you. Your trust needs to be earned, little by little. Patience is a very important part. Your dog may not eat when people are around. 1) It is important that your mill dog be fed on a schedule, with you nearby. You don't...
  4. M

    Rescued a kennel raised 3 yr old need help

    This website has a wonderful article how to deal with a puppy mill rescue dog. I have a 7 year old male who was rescued from a puppy mill and this article really helped me. Rehabilitation of a Puppy Mill Dog Every mill survivor is different. What works on one will completely fail on...