Why hide his bone and then whine?


New Member
Ive only seen one dog do this and I thought that dog might be a little bit off ;) but now I see our dog do the same thing!

He gets a bone and run to the couch, but it near and push it in with his paws so he cant reach it. Then he whines and wants it back (?). When I get it out he is happy but put it right back under again.

Anyone have a clue to what this behaviour is all about? :confused:
Yeah, I think it's a plea for attention :) Oliver used to do that until I taught him to put his ball on my lap, so we can play armchair-fetch!
Milo would nose his ball under the couch and then loudly complain. Again and again. We built a wood frame that sits under the sofa close to the edges so the ball can't roll very far. It also decreases the temptation to chew on the leather while waiting for rescue.
It's his way of playing with you! And getting attention as well! Baby does that all the time but lately when I go to grab her toy she goes after it with a playful growl. Then runs off turns around drops the toy and scoots it with her nose and back to it again!