Too Playful - Suggestions


New Member
We just adopted a Dachshund and need some advice. He's so lovable, but he wants to play ALL of the time and always wants our attention. I do play fetch with him at least 30+ minutes every day, but it's not enough to satisfy him. He will bark and growl nonstop when we stop playing and claw away at the cabinet where he thinks the toy is.

If we leave the ball out for him to play with on his own, he just brings it right to us and barks non-stop and even nips at us if we don't play with him.

We've tried other toys to keep him occupied, but he destroys all of them within minutes. Even the so-called "indestructible" toys are torn apart in a half hour.

I have no problem being with him all the time, but I can't play with him endlessly. What can we do to temper his energy and his constant need to play?