Over-Attachment to one person


New Member
My wife and I have a 13 week old Dachshund and we both give him equal love and attention. I myself have had great success in training him but, he is attached to my wife. He whines and barks when she goes out of sight and starts searching for her. He doesn't appear to settle until she returns despite my attempts to play with him and show my affection.
I want to make it clear that the problem is not separation anxiety but rather, ATTACHMENT issues.
Any suggestions would be welcome to make it less stressful for little Reggie when my wife leaves the room or goes out for a couple of hours.
I had this same problem with my female from day one she was extremely bonded to me. She would interact with my husband and daughter only as a second choice and any time I was gone or out of sight she would become very anxious. She mellowed out a little with age, any time I get up she gets up and follows me everywhere I go still but I started having my husband do a lot of the fun stuff with her like give her new toys and treats, taking her on walks and to the dog park without me so they had some bonding experiences. She still prefers me in most cases but she has a good relationship with my husband and daughter now also. I know they aren't crazy great tips but I hope it helps.
This seems to be pretty common with Doxies. It's part of their famous loyalty.

My older girl was like that with me (wouldn't go for walks with my hubby if I stayed at home) and so when we got our puppy, I purposely tried to prevent her from forming that same exclusive bond. She was naturally drawn to me, but I would set her on someone else's lap over and over, as she kept climbing back onto mine. I had others give her treats and toys and sent her for sleepovers to socialize her. I also put her in a special puppy daycare program (the puppies went on outings and got training) and she now goes to regular dog daycare 3 days a week. All that and she still prefers me over anybody else.

Definitely try feeding him, since Doxies are ruled by their stomachs. And keep up with his training and walks and Playtimes. He will become attached to you too. But don't be disappointed if he still chooses your wife over you.
My wife and I have a 13 week old Dachshund and we both give him equal love and attention. I myself have had great success in training him but, he is attached to my wife. He whines and barks when she goes out of sight and starts searching for her. He doesn't appear to settle until she returns despite my attempts to play with him and show my affection.
I want to make it clear that the problem is not separation anxiety but rather, ATTACHMENT issues.
Any suggestions would be welcome to make it less stressful for little Reggie when my wife leaves the room or goes out for a couple of hours.

Welcome to life with a Dachshund. :D Our last one, Samantha red female miniature, was attached to me. This one we have now, Brandy mahogany female standard, is attached to my wife. It is the way the breed is in my opinion.