Laundry Day!

Frankie Bean

New Member
Frankie "helping" fold the the clothes fresh from the dryer!

Lol! Jasper comes dashing in to steal what he can when he hears the dryer open:)

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Our last Dachshund, 17+ year old Samantha, loved when "her" blankets came out of the dryer. She loved being under the covers as far as she could get.
How sweet! I swear my Jasper is like the anti-dacshund reading all you guys comments! He could care less about balls, doesn't burrow in blankets at all! The cute stuff! Lol

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Our last Dachshund, 17+ year old Samantha, loved when "her" blankets came out of the dryer. She loved being under the covers as far as she could get.

Aw, how sweet! I'm learning that if I can't find Frankie upon entering a room, to first look underneath the blankets. Funny little dachshunds!