hello from two naughty doxies

slinky pinky

New Member
hi, I joined your site to find out about housebreaking and stubbornness. Yes, I know. I have read some informative member comments and will try them. About two months ago, I adopted two fixed doxies, 2 1/2 years old as far as they can tell, male and female. I think I am the 6th situation for them (4 owners and 2 rescue foster homes). I think they are housebroken but are acting out. The male is especially bad. I have a big yard and let them out frequently.

PROBLEM: The male refuses to go outside. I have to carry him out in the morning. He refuses to pee outside. He won't pee on a leash. He submissively wets. In the last two days, he has pooed 10ft from the door. I wonder if anyone has had a problem with their dog not wanting to go out EVER and holding it outside.

My husband wants to return them (I suspect that has been a problem with previous people) but they are wonderful in all other aspects.

I am at my wits end. I haven't crated them yet.
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Alberta Region Moderator
Well, I would start with crating. The only time they get freedom is after they've done their business ou tside. Here's the routine. Take out of the crate directly outside. Stand in the spot you want them to go and wait. Ignore them until someone goes then play and happy dance and treat the one that did go. Wait awhile longer. If the other doesn't go then the offending dog goes back into the crate, while the successful dog gets freedom and playtime. Wait for awhile then take the crated dog out again, rinse and repeat until he does something. After about an hour of freedom for the dog that has gone outside, take her back outside, if she doesn't go then she gets crated. It won't take long for this to work. Freedom plus food is a big incentive to go pee outside! !!


New Member
Hello and welcome from Canada!
Yes, please please try the crating!
When we brought Engli home, she was an adult who was used to going outside and peeing on paper. It was December and very cold, so you'd think the paper was a no brainer. We had male that was already peeing on the paper too. The papers were in the kitchen so we put a baby gate up and waited and waited. Once the pee on the paper did happen, we said Good Pee!!! and opened the baby gate and had play time. That did the trick. We got to the point where the baby gate went up, she just ran to the papers and peed quick, ran to the gate all happy. She got control of the gate!! I sure wish I had started with that in the first place!

My husband wants to return them. I'm at my wits end.
It's time to get the crate happening! I wish I could have them going outside all year round. Lucky you! If they aren't crate trained, start. You'll wonder why you waited until you were at your wits end!! Good luck and hopefully you will post pics soon for us, kay?

slinky pinky

New Member
Thank you all very much for your response. I have not been able to check in until today – so I am sorry to be getting back to you so late.

I have kept them on leashes or penned since I wrote on this site. It has worked, I don’t think they have done anything. This is hard on me, but I know it must be done. The crate will be too heavy to take inside and outside for me. And they won't do anything on a leash.

It is still a ‘work in progress’. The female will do her business in front of me – but, since I have a large yard, she doesn’t seem to understand that I am praising her since she is always sort of far away. The male is obstinate. He walks behind bushes, etc., and peers out at me to see if I am looking. He does everything privately. So, it is hard to keep track of him.
But, at least they are not doing things in the house.

I really want to get this done before the cold and rains start because you know it is much harder to get them outside.

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my question.