Hello From A New Doxie/Owner

Coopers Mom

New Member
Hi there from the prairies of Alberta.

I have an Isabelle Piebald Mini Doxie girl named Cooper.
She is my first dog so all of this is a leaning experience for me.
We fell in love with this breed about a year ago, took our time finding the right one for us.
Our family is small (hubby and son) so she is a welcome addition.


Hi and welcome from the UK!

Can't wait to see some photos, we don't have any piebalds in the UK or Isabella's!


New Member
Hi from Manitoba!
Hope to see some pics, and we won't get tired of puppy photos so don't be shy!
I've only adopted adults so I don't have puppy pics of mine but I sure enjoy them!

We have a plastic sheet down with papers to get us through the meanest winter months.

While the little one is growing and the temps start to drop, you might really appreciate this page, how to make a wiener wrap..

No Sew Dog Wrap ? craftbits.com

Dachshunds really really need to be crate trained. Not only does it help with house training, there's a good chance that they may suffer a back injury and 8 weeks crate rest is the remedy. Having them ok with a crate makes that difficult time much more bearable for them.


New Member
No, that's for going outside to potty when it's getting cold. Or drizzly. Or just to hang out in the yard on a cooler day.

They do appreciate a cosy blanket when inside too though. lol