Best dog food

Have you cut your hand on raw chicken bone?I have.Both chicken bones and ribs divide into shred,and they are sharp,no mather raw or not raw.And I don't believe there is anything good they should eat in those bones.In fact there is nothing good in any bones at all,all they get from them if they swallow them is constipation.That's why I give those round one,they can chew them,play with them,but won't swallow.Nothing has happened to their teeth,in fact they got better. Only bones from chicken I give are backs and necks,but I smash them with meat hammer,otherwise they puke cleared bones next morning.
Well then the hundreds of thousands of raw feeders are all wrong then. And yes, they do need to eat bones. there are alot of minerals and viramins in bones that are necessary. A proper raw diet is 80% muscle meat, 10% edible bone, 10% secreting organ (5%of which should be liver) edible bone acts as fiber for dogs on a prey model raw diet. My dogs and cat get all sorts of bone, and they eat it all. Chicken necks, wings and backs, beef, pork, goat and venison ribs, whole rabbits, quail and cornish game hens, etc. Mouse broke 2 teeth one on a beef leg bone, and one on an antler. And my mom's dog broke a tooth on a knuckle bone.

The importance of bone in a dog's diet is well documented, and why dog food has plenty of bone in it.

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I feed mostly raw and my new pup has had it from 8 weeks. You do need to be a bit careful about the meat to bone ratio for e.g chicken wings are a great treat but have a high bone to meat ratio so don't feed too many. I like to give mine larger portions that they have to chew properly to stop them bolting any small bones without chewing. I feed most meats (occasionally fish) with vegetables, eggs and sometimes brown rice. Plenty of variety is the key :)
Than there is a question why so many dogs end up in surgery after they've eaten bones.The one time I gave chicken wings bones they came out as they went in only this times that sounded like it hurts to poop sharp bones.Maybe I have wrong dogs because they can't digest bones.Oh well,I prefer to feed them meat anyway
My dogs digest them perfectly fine, hundreds of thousands of raw feeders's dogs digest them fine. And in a prey model raw diet, they must have them. Premade raw diets ground bone in, but then you lose the benefit for the teeth.

Your dogs likely aren't digesting them because they aren't chewing them. If your dog doesn't chew them up, you need to train them to chew.

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Than there is a question why so many dogs end up in surgery after they've eaten bones.The one time I gave chicken wings bones they came out as they went in only this times that sounded like it hurts to poop sharp bones.Maybe I have wrong dogs because they can't digest bones.Oh well,I prefer to feed them meat anyway

A lot of dogs will "bolt" chicken wings without chewing because they are so small. For dogs that are not used to a raw diet they are probably not the best things to start with. When introducing raw chicken on the bone I usually start with a whole leg, its too big for them to swallow so its a good way to teach them to chew.

Like Deafdogs my dogs have no trouble digesting bones but you do need to avoid feeding raw with any kibble as they digest at different rates.