Allergic Bronchitis (asthma)


Sasha's Mama
My dachshund, Sasha, has Allergic Bronchitis and I have heard from my vet and other places online that it is rare in dogs. I was wondering if any of your dachshund's have this or you have known any that does?

Right now my vet has her on steroids and antibiotics. Also the occasional cough medicine.

She has had these coughing attacks since July of 2011, but they would come and go. So I never thought much about it because it wasn't consistent. I even asked my vet in El Paso, Texas what they thought and they told me not to bring her in because it wasn't consistent. Now I'm back in Tennessee (my husband got out of active duty Army) and I decided to take her in December. That is when we found out that she had asthma. :(

We're still trying to figure out what is triggering her attacks, but I'm pretty certain that it is fragrances. :/

Thanks for reading. :)


New Member
Sorry to hear about the Asthma. It isn't fun. A few years back a vet said my girl had asthma- come to find out from a different vet recently it wasn't. Tests were negative. She would have these attacks to where she would lose her balance and her legs would fall out from under her. I thought they were asthma attacks or seizures because they sounded and acted like it 100%. I am curious when the attacks occur, does it sound as if she is a barking sea lion? ( Only example I could think of! Sorry!) Almost to where your dog can't catch their breath and are coughing at the same time. Sometimes what happens is in the airway, with how their head and neck are connected they hyperventilate when they try to breathe in. I am not 100% sure how it happens and probably sounds farfetched me mentioning this. :p To this day she still has the attacks- and I have to rub her throat and have had to blow into her mouth on occasion.

I've also changed my dog's diet because Gluten and corn can play a major factor in breathing issues. It can be anything that causes it, the air- being too dry, the ground, or scents.

Best of luck to you.


Sasha's Mama
Sasha goes into coughing fits (sometimes will regurgitate from coughing so much), shortness of breath, and sometimes wheezing. When she is on the steroids she is good. As soon as she hasn't had her steroids for a couple of days she is right back to her fits. Her X-rays had also shown a LOT of the "donuts" in her lungs when we found out she had asthma.

She got spayed on the 7th so she couldn't have her steroids for a few days after the surgery. I washed her favorite blanket two days after her surgery and gave it back to her... Sure enough that morning she was coughing. So that is why I really think fragrances is what causes her "major" attacks.

My vet also thinks she has a collapsed trachea... So sometimes her cough will come from that, I guess.

I'm sorry your baby has some troubles as well. Thanks for your response!


New Member
Poor Sasha! Best of luck with the steroids! Sounds like they are doing the job. :) Always welcome, thank you for sharing. I hope all turns out well with Sasha.

-Nina a/k/a Baby's sis