A Day at the Local Dog Park


Bree enjoyed his second time at the park today. It's really nice to see him running and playing, leash-free. He's still a bit shy but eventually finds his bravado and barks at his new friends, just like the big guys!



We really had a good time. Hopefully, if we go every weekend, Bree will get used to the park and not be so nervous/intimidated in the beginning.

I always loved the pictures with doxie ears flying high, and I finally got one!


New Member
I love them to :) I tried to get one with Jax, but he goes to fast lol It'll have to wait till i get a better camera :)
Stunning photography and an obviously happy dog. A good trip to the dog park just makes the whole day seem like we have accomplished a lot: all that exercise and socialization.

I know some people are wary of dog parks but the last time the only aggression was bit of humping. (MY dog was not involved.) The big dude owner of the perp had an attitude of relaxed acceptance, but the lady with the little poodle was quick to rescue her pup.


New Member
Glad you had fun at the dog park... I envy you. I can not take let Noods off leash because she will take off and not come back. AND man can that little dog run!!! So when we go she stays on leash the whole time.