Watson's favorite spot!


New Member
Watson loves to sit on the top on the couch! We'll throw his ball, he'll go get it, and jump up top to sit and squeak it (right in our ears.) It's too cute and I had to share. And the silly one of him and his daddy :)

Do your doggies have any places they like to hang out?



New Member
That's too funny!
I wouldn't let him be up there. lol
The dog with the highest spot is the top dog, and he's giving daddy a challenge, although it doesn't look like it because of his super cuteness. Squeaking in your ear? That's a rascal. lol


New Member
Not actually challenging - just before I took the picture Daddy was whistling at Watson, so that got his attention (and also why he has his ears perked up.)

But yeah, he'll take a squeaker and just go to town with it...usually right by me...