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Mange problem


New Member
Sep 30, 2016
Russell, Nylah
Hello im new here but am in need of immediate answers. I just adopted a 2 1/2 month old dachshund and im thinking sje has mange because she has hair loss and itching. I cant take her to the vet at the moment my older male dachshund had a severe allergic reaction and had to rush him to a emergency clinic which cost me a good amount of money. So i was looking for any home remedies i can do to relieve her or something. Please help. Thank you in advance
You cannot be sure she has mange, or if so what type of mange. This is a rough description taken from various sources, not my own knowledge, but I hope it can help.

There are two types that affect dogs. The most common type is demodectic mange (also known as red mange), and the less common one is sarcoptic mange: each named after the type of mite which has infested the dog. Healthy dogs very often house a small community of demodectic mites on their skin. It is when the dog's immune system becomes compromised allowing the mites to overpopulate that mange results.

Symptoms include alopecia (hair loss), skin lesions, dehydration, weight loss, excessive scratching, and loss of appetite. Mange can surface throughout the body, with crusty patches appearing on the head, face, ears, and neck. The hair loss can be severe enough to show patches of baldness. A crusty discharge sometimes emanates from the ears and brown marks may appear on and around the nose.

The following natural remedy seems to be the most common among treatment of dogs with mange. Please note that affected dogs should be kept away from other dogs while they have mange. Again, this has come from various sources, it is not my personal knowledge, but with so many sources all saying the same thing, I am posting it here.

* A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and borax is one of the best remedies used for mange. However, be sure to not confuse borax with boric acid. Use one to two tablespoons of borax for every 500 cc of 1% hydrogen peroxide, making sure that it thoroughly dissolves. Bathe the dog in it once a week. Do not rinse off and do not wipe the dog dry. Let the solution dry naturally so that it can be absorbed by the skin. Please note that this treatment should not be used longer than a two month period.*

One question, did you get your puppy from a breeder, because if you did you should inform her/him that s/he is selling puppies with mange, presumably got from their mother. Did you see the mother and have a guarantee that the puppy was healthy? Or did the puppy come from a byb or puppy mill. Or a pet store?