Hello from a new Doxie mix owner!


New Member
Hi all,

My name is Hadley and I recently adopted a 5 month old dog from my local animal shelter that has turned out to be part Miniature Short Haired Dachshund. The shelter thought she was a Corgi mix, but we ran a Wisdom panel on her and she is definitely Dachshund-mix with the personality to boot. She is mixed with many things, including Lab and Collie, which I am familiar with, but I have never owned a Dachshund. She is a joy so far and a lot of fun to train. She definitely has her own mind though, so I am hoping that I can learn from experienced Dachshund owners on this forum and gain insight on the best ways to train her and to learn about health considerations unique to Dachshunds.

She was found as a start on a reservation and is currently suffering from papillomas and demodectic mange around her eyes and throat, so we are treating for that right now and doing everything we can to help her immune system get strong and healthy. any advice on that front is welcome!

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