Funny walks


New Member

I want to make my walk with the dogs more fun for them. Do you have any tips?
What do you do to make your dog have fun during walks?

Ive tried the "candy-tree" and seeking candy I throw out.

Do you have any games you do for the dog?

If you have more than one, how do you manage? :)

Have a great day! The sun is comming back to us now after a really dark winter.


New Member
Thank you, I needed that! It's been stuck on un-seasonably cold here, and it just doesn't want to creep above freezing. It should be 13C here by now with tulips and daffodils. We still have tons of snow to melt. Brisk north winds make my eyes water and we're just itching to get out and enjoy some spring weather. So you're just getting some sunlight now? Oy. I needed to hear that. lol

For your question, I have brought a ball to chase in the woods. Like the woods aren't enough! lol

Last April was warm!
