Dark spots on sheet where he sleeps


New Member
So the last couple nights I have found dry dark spot on my bed in the area where my dachshund sleeps. Some of his stool has been on the darker side. By that I mean the beginning is but the rest is normal. But that doesnt worry me as much as the spots. Is it blood? Is it from his anal sacs? Or is it anal leakage?
He is 2.5 years old happy licking dog. He plays at 100mph until he can't and falls asleep. He eats healthy he drinks plenty of water. Its just the spots I keep finding on my sheets that are puzzling me. Any advice?


Staff member
My pup leaks on the bed too. When he does it's usually time to have his Anal glands extracted. I get out groomer to do it. I have 3 dashshunds and only one spots on the bes once and awhile. The other two never do. When the one that spots has his glands expressed he is really full. We take them once a month...


Active Member
It does sound very much like his anal glands need emptying. I used to be able to do it myself in days gone by with my little Griffons but as I am a raw feeder now the dogs I have had, and my puppy, their anal glands empty themselves when they poo.

When my previous epi girl had seizures she always lost bladder control, frequently bowel control, and on horrible occasions emptied her anal glands. Believe me, having a bed soaked in the middle of the night is bad enough but when during the day? A shoe full of stinky whatever she expressed was not the best thing in the world.

A lot of anal gland blockages/needing to be manually emptied, is possibly due to diet. Soft food produces soft stools, and soft stools cannot empty anal glands. That was not the case with my epi girl though, that was due to her epilepsy, not her diet.

My little Tikva sleeps in a crate at night, although she does come to bed with me for a nanny nap and cuddles up as close as she can get.