Dachshund Cancer - Anal sac carcinoma - HOPE

Jonny bish

New Member
I just wanted to join this forum to give hope to owners who received this diagnosis for their beloved dogs. A year and a half ago we noticed a swelling near the anus of one of our dogs that caused his pooh to come out with a flat side. (Henry - 12 years old). We took him to the vets immediately as we thought it might be an infection. The vet examined him and said there was a tumour the size of a golf ball on his anal gland. They did tests and said that the cancer had spread to his liver. They said that there wasn't anything that they could do, they didn't recommend surgery or chemotherapy and gave him 8 weeks to live. We were absolutely devastated and cried for days.

We decided to research his condition and bought a book on dog cancer. As a result we bought him various supplements that have done wonders. That diagnosis is nearly a year and a half ago and Henry is looking remarkable, still eating properly, enjoying his walks and loving life. There is no outward sign of the cancer that should have taken him from us a year ago. I just wanted to share with you what works for us but do your own research:

With each meal he has a sprinkling of 'Ave Ultra' - a freezer dried wheat germ extract ( expensive but worth it). Supposed to interfere with the cell wall of cancer cells. He also has 10ml of lactulose, a laxative that softens his pooh so that it can pass by his tumour. He also has 4 capsules of ' Apocaps' a day, 2 at lunch time wrapped in ham and 2 at bedtime 10 pm. Again these are supposed to act on the cancer cells to interfere with their development. These aren't prescribed by our vets but were recommended online. Given the alternative of losing him we have tried them and the results seem absolutely remarkable. The cancer hasn't gone away but the supplements we give him allow a fantastic quality of life. If you are facing this diagnosis and your vets can't offer any treatment try 'Apocaps' and 'Ave Ultra', they have made a massive difference to our family.