Dachsi trouble/need

Dashers mom

New Member
Hello My name is Debbie and I am Dashers mom! My husband and I have had Dasher about 2 years. My niece lives in Kentucky and she called one dau and said her neighbor had rescued some Dachsi's from her sister as they were not being taken cars of correctly. My sister in law and I then went to Kentucky to get one! We were very excited!! I almost brought two home but this was the first dog I have owned. (or should I say this is the first dog that has owned me!! lol) anyway.....
So Dasher is a very happy dog and I expected to have a lot of problems as he was abused before I got him. Amazingly enough our problems were at first he was terribly afraid someone would eat all his food so, he would gulp it down like crazy!! So we then put just a minimal amount down and did so frequently....before we knew it he did not worry about it anymore and would eat what he wanted and walk away from what was left! We were so excited he was over that! The other thing he did was if we got the broom or mop out he would cower and try to get far away.....I was pretty mad about that....people before must have hit him!! Well I decided I did not want him to ever feel that way again!!! So I would lay the broom or mop down, then put Dasher in my lap and pet him.....while I was petting him I would say "it's only a broom/mop it won't you, then I would move the mop/broom closer until I could hold it and him at the same time.... many weeks of doing this and now as long as we say "Dasher I am going to mop or sweep, see the/broom/mop? It wont hurt you i am just sweeping/mopping....He is ok with it!!
One thing Dasher absolutely loves to do is lay on the back of our couch that sits by a window and sun......he soaks up some rays,barks at a few birds and is just very happy there. Well this past Monday Dasher was sitting in his favorite place and a moving van pulled up across the street. Well Dasher got more excited than I have ever seen him!! He put his paws on the window and lost his balance before any of us could get to him he fell. As he fell he got his foot caught up in the blind!! Oh my the yelp I heard was unbearable! We took him to our vet she x rayed him and told us there was a break in his left leg in the large bone and two breaks in the small bone of his left leg.We are devastated!!!! (needles to say the couch is now moved and he will not have this happen again) Our vet does not do these surgeries so we were off to find a doctor who could fix Dasher.....Now I know what you guys may be thinking....here comes the money thing....well yes and no.....
Please hear me out....I have never posted like this ever. My husband is retired Navy and he has PTSD. The doctor had told me to get him a dog to help deal with his panic attacks....since we have had Dasher they have even been able to take some of my husband's meds away. I am a retired nurse and have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and a bunch of connective tissue issues and my back is messed up and just recently I have been told I have blood clots in my lungs and been having mini strokes. Now I am not here for a pity party on us but I want people to know why we don't have enough money to pay for Dasher's surgery.
Dasher is our sunshine everyday!!!
Dasher also knows when mu husband is starting to have an anxiety attack. Dasher will bark very loudly and run between me and my husband until I go help!
Dasher is the best thing that has happened in our life for the last 2 years.
So I humbly ask if any one could help us pay for Dashers surgery.
I understand we are all struggling these days....
If you choose to help with Dashers surgery (even if it is 5.00 or even is you just pray that his leg would be fixed and he will heal well then we are very thankful.
His appt to evaluate for surgery is on 9-15-2014 this coming Monday.
It is being done at the:
College of Veterinary Medicine
Tuskegee, Alabama
Contact person is Joyce Ellington in the business office at the college
Phone number to contact Joyce to help Dasher is 334-727-8438

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you a blessed day!
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New Member
You could always try setting up an Indiegogo account for crowd funding as well. Hopefully you will be able to raise a bit of money to help cover the costs.