a bunch of random pics of my dog ^_^

well I've had some requests for more pics of the wiener baby so what could I do but oblige?? hehe so...here are a bunch of random pics of my dog <3

playing in her yard

Christmas Eve with her pretty Christmas bow ^_^

her first groom <3 (the bow only lasted about 10 minutes)

her favorite coat

and a few more, just cuz she's soooooo cute!!

I hope that will hold you all over for a bit, I am a photo-aholic so if anyone's interested in seeing there will be lots more where that came from!! ^_^


New Member
How CUTE is she?? Don't you love the freckles on the belly? and the ticking? and the nails that can be black, or white, or black and white?
One thing about the white tails, it makes them much easier to see in the yard with low lighting conditions.

Glad you found each other!
A few question I've thought of are how do I teach her tricks? She doesn't know anything, I've been trying sit and she's just not getting it. Ad far as food she seems to prefer wet over dry. Is that OK? Working at a vet clinic carries lots of perks including cheap dental so so that' parts not a problem


New Member
Im having the same issue with training. Jax is just to hyper to really pay attention to what I want him to do. He either wanted to play or try grabbing the treats when I would bring it up and over his head (same way Ive taught any dog for sit) It took nearly 2 months just to learn sit -_- even still its not down pat.

All I can say, it takes a lot of patience lol and to just keep trying.

Im not sure about the food, I feed Jax dry food. Along with wet food on Monday and Friday.