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  1. limunkay

    Sweating doxie?

    I know dogs sweat through their paws and tongues but my short haired mini appears to sweat in his pawpit (armpit) areas and his belly. Is that normal? Does anyone else's doxie "sweat" too?
  2. limunkay

    5k fundraiser

    Hello fellow dachshund lovers, I'm not sure if we are allowed to post about fundraising... :confused: but I am running a 5k/fundraising to benefit an alliance of local (Central PA) animal rescues and shelters AND the Dachshund Rescue of North America. If you live in Central PA and would...
  3. limunkay

    Glyco Flex III chewables

    Has anyone tried these? My vet just sent me home with a bag of these for my Schipperke because she is going through physical therapy for her cruciate ligament surgery and he said the chews are good for joint health... forgot to ask if the chews could be taken by the weenies...
  4. limunkay


    Hi all, My name is Amanda and I have 2 "tweenie" doxies (1 long & 1 smooth) and a Schipperke. I'm a HUGE dog lover...maybe borderline obsessed. :p